Diskurz je široko odprt: srečanje z Goranom Tomčićem

V okviru predmeta Umetnostni sistem in razstavljanje sodobne umetnosti bo potekalo srečanje z ustvarjalcem Goranom Tomčićem, ki ima zanimivo profesionalno pot: začel je kot kurator in se nato prelevil v umetnika. 
Kratek vsebinski načrt srečanja z naslovom Diskurz je široko odprt in Tomčićevo biografijo najdete spodaj; več o njem in njegovem delu lahko izveste na povezavi: https://gorantomcic.com/
Srečanje, ki bo potekalo v angleščini, bo v sredo, 18. 1. 2023 ob 17.00 v Centru za poezijo Tomaža Šalamuna na Cankarjevi 5.
Toplo vabljeni!


My understanding of the curatorial role is almost the same as it was after I stopped living the curatorial life. Likewise, my understanding of contemporary art did not change after I became an artist myself. Basically, what curators do is much like what critics, directors, writers or artists do, which is to use the accumulated information, knowledge and feelings, in order to consider as wide a range of work as possible and then work in ways that clearly show why a chosen topic is important for public presentation.

In any case, artists or curators should follow their instincts and not think about their official status.
This conversation with students will focus on dialogue and diversity of perspectives. In our Zeitgeist, there is something that allows a wider criticism and a wider base of knowledge.

Goran Tomčić (r. 1964) is a Croatian artist who has been living in Berlin since 2009. He studied Art History and Comparative Literature (Zagreb) and Curatorial Studies (Bard College, USA). From 1989 to 2008, he worked as a critic and curator, mainly in the USA, where he lived at the time.
Among other jobs, he was Director of the Wolfson Galleries at Miami-Dade College, Miami, and Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, as well as Director of Hasson Gallery NYC.
His poetry collection “Fragile” was published in Zagreb in 1991. During the 1990s, he published poetry written in English in numerous magazines and anthologies in the USA and abroad. Since 2000, his energy has been focused on his independent art career. He is the recipient of numerous grants and awards, among others, the Pollock-Krasner grant (2007), and the Berlin Senate grant for art and culture (2020).

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